Friday, February 17, 2006


There have been reports of people keeping Redscowl birds in captivity, in Western European countries like Holland, Germany and Italy.

I've personally overheard someone whisper in a rural café that he'd gone to the Ukraine and bought a pair of Redscowl, and was keeping them in his hen house along with his collection of miniature chickens. He also said that his chickens laid twice as many eggs from then on... Must have been the Redscowl cheeriness rubbing off, so that sounded highly plausible.

Alas, I couldn't catch this guy's name, nor see his face. He sounded like a Dutch or Flemish farmer though. At the moment, I'm just wondering how many Bluesingskies are kept by farmers and pet-owners around the globe. I just hope people know how to take care of them...


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